Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why do words end in ism ?

An ism can be a noun. But why do words end in ism ? The noun ism can also be used as a suffix.

The word alcohol refers to a group of chemical compounds. Each of these compounds is based on hydrogen but through chemical processes several types of alcohol are derived. One of these alcohol derivatives is called ethanol. Ethanol can be produced industrially or by a process of fermentation. This ethanol alcohol is the stuff that gives "buzz" to the stuff humans consume.

All things in moderation lends itself well to people who enjoy an occasional drink but the over consumption of alcohol can lead to serious consequences. One who is considered to be dependent of alcohol is typically called an alcoholic and the principle ideas that reflect the alcoholic condition is referred to as alcoholism.

The ism suffix is used the same way to reflect the principle ideas or a set of ideas that suggest a domain or archetype keyword.

Here's ten more words that end in ism.

  1. Skepticism
  2. Atheism
  3. Creationism
  4. Darwinism
  5. Fascism
  6. Socialism
  7. Apocalypticism
  8. Aneurism
  9. Endomorphism
  10. Organism

The term ism is added as a suffix where there exists a philosophy, a school of thought, or a doctrine on a domain or archetype word.

The etymology of ism is as follows.

The Greeks had a set of symbols that represented the concept of philosophy behind an archetype domain. The Roman Latins had the word isma. Later on the French got it into their language as isme and the English have been using ism since the 17th century. At least that is the way the online etymology dictionary states it.

So there you have it.

Why do words end in ism ?

Because there is a school of thought or several schools of thought that back up almost any philosophy and someone decided that ism was a term that could describe a doctrine.

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