Friday, October 30, 2009

the word domain

Get a deeper understanding of the word domain. This is a word common to the internet person who has a website or who is thinking of building a website. Your domain name brands your online presence. Internet service providers bend over backwards to get you listed on their servers by having you register a domain name with them.

But where does the word domain come from ?

In the old Latin world of the Roman empire the word dominus referred to being in possession of something. For example Dominus was a title given to a Roman overlord who owned servants and slaves. The Dominus was the master or owner. From Dominus came Dominium. The term "dominium mundi" referred to the masters of the world. By the time the Anglo-French and the middle English came around the words demayne and demeine came to mean the same as dominium.

The word domain was part of the English language in the 15th century. The word no longer only refers to master or owner of land and slaves. Today the word domain can be used to represent any of the following :

  • a marked region with distinct features
  • the domain of science refers to anything that is specific to that science
  • the domain of art is anything that is specific to art - see artifact
  • in computer science it is a set of elements that defines a function
  • for Internet users the word domain refers to a group of sites that have similar properties, for example government sites have the domain of .gov and the domain name might be anything that brands the government service such as www. The .com domain is for commercial and information sites, etc.


If you write online about domains and would like to know how to improve the density of your content try using some of these words and keyphrases with the word domain.

Artifacts and Culture

The word artifacts and culture are often found in similar settings. By some definitions an artifact is anything that is produced by the human hand instead of by the hand of nature.

Here we have a look at the word artifact and the root of it's adoption in the English language.

Etymology of artifact

From the Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary

  • Middle English, from Old English eart, akin to old Norse est, ert (thou) art...
The Latin "ars" was the forerunner of Art. As in "ars gracia arstis" which translates to art for arts sake. An art is a skill and it is the antonym of science.

The word fact became part of the English language in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin word "factum". A fact is an archaic record of something done. 

Therefore an artifact is an archaic record of something done through the use of skill.

Let's look at some of the ways the word artifacts and culture have made their place in our societies.

  • To the archeologist the artifact is anything that is made or used by mankind
  • To the computer geek who develops software programs Artifacts, plural, is a bug tracking system already coded.
  • Again to the computer geek the singular word Artifact refers to tangible by-products produced during the software development process. Such a query often returns an error message or does not allow the intended program to run properly or to run at all since there is an undesired alteration in the data.  This is often referred to by programmers and IT professionals as the digital artifact.
  • Again in computer linguistics the "document artifact" phrase is important. The document is a written account of ownership or obligation and it is recorded in several different digital file formats. Documents are referenced whenever outside sources are quoted directly. These documents can be legally binding. In a sense even an article is a document since it can misrepresent facts about people, places, or things, and online articles can become evidence in personal injury court cases. The document artifact. The document is  an object. The process of creating a new document or object is called instantiation. The document saved in digital format is an instance of a class. ..............
  • The cultural artifact and the social artifact is the stuff that makes urban legends. The cultural artifact can be any human made object (a physical document written or else) which gives information about the culture of its users and the creator of the document or object. The social artifact pertains more to ideologies and objects created by groups however it also includes ideologies and objects created by the individual. The social artifact is said to reflect the social behaviour of the group, the individual, and the observer
  • In medical science we find the Iatrogenic artifact. When a medical treatment goes wrong and turns into a medical problem then the objective or the intended medical therapy result as failed to achieve it's goal. The artifact is the by-product of the treatment. It is said to be Iatrogenic. This term refers to iatrogenesis. Iatros was a Greek physician of old and Iatros meant "healer" in Greek................
  • In pop culture you find a Norway band called Artifact. You also find metal band from France who use the misspelling "Artefact" as their stage name. An american artist called Steve Roach made an album of tribal ambient music and called it "Artifacts".
  • Again in popular culture we find the title "The Artifact" associated to an object in the TV series Eureka. This object is a biological organism that dates back to sometime before the "hypothesized big bang". This means that it was and remains an object of a singularity or a paradigm of objects trapped in a vaccuum. The Eureka story line goes that "The Artifact" remains trapped on Earth and can be tapped into by the sixth sense. It is a channel to the Akashic Records which is a archive of all existence. In a sense the Akashic record is the super collective or the Matrix or the psychic source and "The Artifact" is the doorway to that library. 

That's something to think about if you have ever run out of ideas or if you ever wanted to tap into the creative source.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the word market

The word market comes from the Latin word mercatus. The word mercatus continues to be used in business titles where commerce is involved. The Latin word "commercium" has a similar meaning and refers to trade, or commerce.

Asclepius vs Hermes

This story behind the word mercatus is interesting.

Here is a raw version of it.

Mercury was Mercurius to the Romans who were the initial Latin speaking people. Mercurius was the patron saint of merchants and those traders who would travel with caravans to all points from Rome within and outside of the Roman boundaries. These traders met in the mercatus.

Rome wasn't thought of until 753 BC or thereabouts. That 's when the legendary Romulus and Remus, sons of the war god Mercury, battle each other out to the death of Remus. Rome is named after Romulus and Mercurius becomes the messenger of the Gods. He may be an extension of the Greek messenger of the Gods called Hermes. Hermes carried a walking staff which becomes part of the symbol recognized as the rod of Asclepius. Hermes was also the patron of merchants, thiefs, gamblers, and travelers.
That story is equally interesting but would stray from the purpose of this post which is to find the root of the word market.

But we have already pointed to Mercatus as being a market. So all that needs to be done is to follow the trail from the initial colony of Romulus.

Rome travels and conquers and legions of soldiers are set up at posts along the way in order to protect the mercatus. Mercurius protects those who are loyal to Rome - this might explain why old statues of Mercury show him wearing a purse. It's always "rent due" somewhere. Centuries pass and the Germanic tribes set up in the north part of Europe.

Mercatus follows up by becoming words of different languages such as mercado in spanish, marchiet in old French, etc...

By approximately 1100 BC the Anglo Saxons who were by now settled on the Island of England were using the word market to refer to "a meeting at a fixed time for buying livestock and provisions". That was a quote from the online etymology dictionary. At first the word market was a noun and used in phrases like,

"off to the market"
"yo homey we got a ject fo' da market"

That last one is still used in Harlem.

By the 17th century the word market was also being used as a verb.

As in "we can market almost any thing brother".

Or the Harlem version, "that there dank be marketable homey".

It all began with snakes and the word market continues to be about snakes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The meaning of kinship and family

I never gave much thought to the meaning of kinship and family. Today the word family is my focus. What does family mean?

I'm looking for the origin of family and my search starts with the word kinship.

With kinship I find terms like blood related and affinity between lovers who bond in marriage or in close association. Breaking down the term into it's roots might help to understand the word kinship.

Kin is more correlated to family than kinship. Kin is a root word and relates to the connection of blood and of genetic substance. It also refers to the connection of people who share close ties or similar ideas and responsibilities.

With the root word kin you get kinship, kinsmen, kinswomen, kinfolk, kindred, kindly, king, kingdom. But not Kong !!!!! You also have akin which is a derivative of something similar and kindle which means to bring forth.

My search led me to the Merriam Webster online dictionary where I found a reasonable explanation of the evolution of words leading to kin.

There it states that cynn was an Old English word which likely came from the Old Germanic term chunni. The old Germanic tribes originally spoke Latin and they adapted chunni from the Latin term gignere which means to beget or to bring forth ( kindle ). Now the Latin language evolved from the age of the legendary wars between Romulus and Remus where Rome was born. This was a transitional period where the Greek Empire met up with the forces that would later see them lose there superpower status. The Romans and their Latin adapted gignere from the Greek term gignesthai which to the Greeks meant to be born.

Kin according to Merriam Webster started being used in the 12th century.

Synonyms of kin include:

  1. descendant
  2. ancestor
  3. nobility
  4. relative
  5. family
  6. servant
When was the word family introduced into the English language ?

Again Merriam Webster comes in handy. In the 15th century AD, 300 years after the word kin became a part of the Old English language the word family became familiar. It started out as familie. In the Roman Latin world the word famulus referred to a servant. The word familia referred to the household and included the famulus and the blood relatives and other nobles.

So there is only one thing left to know before I understand the meaning of kinship and family.

When did familie become family ?

In the Evolution of English by George Boeree we find that the modern English language is a bastard tongue that is a mixture of many languages.

The first English dictionary was published " for the benefit of Ladies, Gentlewoman, and other unskilled folk" by a word guy called Robert Cawdrey back in 1604. It contained 2543 words and was named Table Alphabeticall. In the Cawdrey dictionary words like geometry are labelled with the ie ending - geometrie.

By 1828 when the first webster dictionary was published the work family was in use.

This is how it is defined in that dictionary.

FAM''ILY, n. [L. familia.]

1. The collective body of persons who live in one house and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children and servants, and as the case may be, lodgers or boarders.

2. Those who descend from one common progenitor; a tribe or race; kindred; lineage. Thus the Israelites were a branch of the family of Abraham; and the descendants of Reuben, of Manasseh, &c., were called their families. The whole human race are the family of Adam, the human family.

3. Course of descent; genealogy; line of ancestors.

Go and complain thy family is young.

4. Honorable descent; noble or respectable stock. He is a man of family.

5. A collection or union of nations or states.

The states of Europe were, by the prevailing maxims of its policy, closely united in one family.

6. In popular language, an order, class or genus of animals or of other natural productions, having something in common, by which they are distinguished from others; as, quadrupeds constitute a family of animals, and we speak of the family or families of plants.

From this 1828 version we see the Religious influence behind the work. The Webster word guy assumes that the whole human race are the family of Adam. This, to me, shows the power of words and the ability to use these symbols in propaganda.

Maybe we are and maybe we ain't.......the meaning of kinship and family is an opinion that is defined differently by the interpreter. The written word is a record that is more easily passed on therefore more capable of inscribing itself in the human psyche or the "hug" than simple word of mouth ever could.

Wanting to finish this I can only say that Plato was a lexicon expert who recorded Greek words. Homer and Hesiod who came much earlier were not so fortunate. We know much more of Plato than we do of the mythological poets who a"muse"d those who would hear their word of mouth.

What exactly did those poets know of poiesis ?

Now I have a better understanding of the meaning of kinship and family ?

Philosophically speaking I know very little of the love and bonding warmth of family.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the word trade

Who invented the word trade anyways ? Trading is bartering in a sense. To exchange goods, services, and beliefs, as always been common practice.

Humans who trade are called merchants. There are all kinds of merchants of trade.

But exchanges occur everywhere in nature therefore the word trade can apply to all elements in nature. For those people who are " down to earth " their belief of what can be traded by the merchant might be limited by what can be felt by the five senses. That is to say, if you can smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it, or feel it, then you can put it up for sale and trade it as a merchant trader of things A to Z. Other people believe that there is more to nature than what can be sensed with our well developed senses. These people go beyond real and include the sixth sense and sell products that come from the psychic source.

The word trade itself is a word from the English language.

Lets try to find it's source.

The English language is a refined form of Old English.

Craeft is a word from the Old English language.

The term hyge-craeft is looked at by Diane L. Paxton in an article called Working with the Soul in the Northern Tradition. That article is interesting for a few reasons. It brings up the word tradition which is a derivative of the root word trade. It brings up the idea of merchants traders exchanging in the sixth dimension. The article states that the Norse term "hug" is the same as the Anglo Saxon term "hyge" and that hyge-craeft to the Anglo Saxons who were masters of the Old English language is the source of all magic.

To trade a hug is a very old tradition that lifts the spirit. There as to be a story there somewhere.

According to Paxton the Norse term "hug" was used to describe the psyche elements of personality, thoughts, feelings, and desire. Now that's knowledge worth something.

Hug is hag to the Swedish speaking folks. Interestingly enough this might lead to a better understanding of the term "ye ole hag". I have no proof of this but that might just be a reference to an old psychic women or a women who can psyche you out.

Moving along...hug is hyge and craeft is trade. Hyge-craeft according to Paxton is knowledge or wisdom and hug or hyge is the source of all magic.

In my opinion if craeft is trade and hyge is knowledge then the term hyge craeft refers to the exchange of wisdom and it is the exchange of wisdom gained through the study of the soul or of the universal consciousness which is the psychic source for the sixth sense. The sixth sense is paranormal and it is the source of magic.

Paxton has a much deeper version of this which goes much into holistic healing and includes the mind, body, and spirit.

Craeft according to wiktionary comes from the Germanic word Kraft and means strength. The Germanic tribes spread out and the Anglo Saxon developed old English.

Here's an interesting old English phrase that seems to support the correlation between craeft and trade.

hwaet begytst ou of oinum craefte ? According to wiktionary that translates to "What do you get by your trade ?

If that is accurate then the word trade is equal to " an exchange of strength ".

There you have my version. So go ahead and give me a hug ye old hag.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the word ouroboros

Ever wonder where the word ouroboros comes from and how history shows the use of this word ?
Why would anyone use a serpent swallowing it's tail as a symbol of some ideology. The ouroboros is sometimes depicted in art as a snake or dragon.

Ouro - To find the origin of the word ouro we have to travel back in time to 753 BC when the legendary battles of the brother's Romulus and Remus are fought out. Romulus defeats Remus and goes on to build a city called Rome. Small cells of populations are already speaking in Latin and the new language will become a competitor to major languages such as Hebrew and Greek. It isn't until 200 BC or there abouts that major literary works are written in Latin. Rome is defeating the Greek empire and Cleopatra will be coming into power in Egypt a century and a half later. With the reign of Cleopatra comes the legend of the alchemist who was hired to find the secret of turning lead into gold.

Gold in Latin is Ouro. This could lead to another story about the moidore which is a Portuguese gold coin minted in the 18th century AD. The story might begin something like, " As the Portuguese might say, "The moeda d'ouro is our coin of gold." Where moeda is a Portuguese version of the Latin moneta (money) and ouro is from the latin "aurum"....but that's another story better left for another time.

Boros - mewah, mencurahi, curai, kendor, goyah, melepas, bebas, lepas, wasteful, lavish, loose, improvident.

Information on the term boros is hard to find. But I did find all of these words that are used in Indonesia to mean approximately the same as boros. (source - In a country such has Indonesia where no less than 600 languages are spoken there are no doubt several other words that could describes something loose and lavish. Interestingly enough I found that Los Boros is a place in Latin America where a mining company named Latin American Minerals Inc. and "the corporation" mine for mineral powders such as lithium and potash in places like the Salt Lakes of Cauchari and Olaroz. Certainly just a coincidence of investigating words but still adds fuel to the mystery of what Cleapatra and the alchemist were up to. The word Boros is also a variation of Burroughs but this association comes form the use of Burroughs in English speaking countries where it is used to describe residential areas.

So we have an understanding of the word Ouroboros.

Why do I bother ?

Well words are precious and the internet is such a free speech zone in countries were freedom of expression is still respected that words can be sold as almost anything.

For example this blog called Random Knowledge states that the word Ouroboros means " a tail swallowing serpent".

I dare to differ in my opinion of the true meaning of the word. The symbol of a tail swallowing serpent to represent the true ideology or concept behind the word itself likely came much later in the historic timeline.

Just my opinion however.

the word mortgage

Understanding the word mortgage might lead you to believe that a world rich revolves around selling debt is a morbid world.

"A la mort" to the french is "to the death" in English. In the case of mortgage in might as well read "to the debt". "Gage" to the french is "wage" or "bet" or "pledge" to the English.

"Je te gage a la mort" is to the french what " I pledge you to the death" to the English.

A mortgage is a pledge where two parties enter a contract where a deal involving money or other financial assets is resolved when the debt is paid or when some other cause breaks the contract. Death might be considered another cause in some cases.

A person, usually an investment banker or an employee of a financial institution who writes the terms of the mortgage contract is considered the underwriter or creditor or lender. This is a position of risk and requires the mortgage underwriter to proceed cautiously with who he or she enters into a deal with.

The person who is looking to enter into a mortgage contract with a creditor such as the investment banker is considered to be the borrower. The lender makes the rules of the mortgage contract usually with adherence to some regulatory body and these rules of contract may include repayment of the debt by transferring private property or other assets owned by the borrower if he or she is unable to make good on the repayment of the debt.

The mortgage contract is legally binding and is legal tender meaning that underwriters can sell the debt to other financial institutions.

This matter of selling debt to other speculators is also risky business for all involved as was witnessed when the housing bubble burst in the recent past.

To the debt we pledge to make good on our contract.

Sounds morbid but it is the meaning of the word mortgage.

There are several types of mortgages so shopping for a home and finding the best mortgage at the best rate can be a stressful matter.

When meeting with a lender the person looking for a new home might come across terms that give different meanings or different parameters to the word mortgage.

Some of these words include :

  • open
  • closed
  • split
  • multi rate
  • protected variable rate
  • capped variable rate
  • and even mortgage insurance
Choosing the right " bet to the death" for you might save you a lot of money in the long term. Choosing the right mortgage broker who works in a solid financial institution that is just part of the home buying planning stage and it is all a part of what seems like a big morbid plan.

But it isn't.

Words are an art form. At times they are art imitating life or debt in the case of the word mortgage.

Monday, October 19, 2009

the word money

Understanding the word money will not make you rich but it will make you prosperous as you gain knowledge. I'm a wise fool and I should know since money and I quickly part.

Where does the word money come from ?

What constitutes as money ? Is gold money? Is a bond money ? Is currency money ? Most likely the reasonable answer to that is yes, yes, and yes. Each one is worth something in trade therefore each of these can be considered to be money ?

Can love be considered to be money ? Some people say love is as good as gold yet the only people who can trade love as a serious currency are considered to be amongst the lowest of life forms on the planet ? Yet the internet is loaded with sites where people sell a facsimili of love. Sex sells but is it money?

My answer is no. The act of love, or of providing sexual acts, is sometimes used to gain assets that are trade worthy and could be considered as money but they are no more than a form of barter. That is an opinion that I am certain many would challenge.

So where does the word money come from.

There was a time when the bartering system was the custom in society. This goes back a very, very long time. Imagine that you are one of the only humans to survive the last ice age. It's 11000 BC and the Holocene period is getting underway. You can come out of your cave now and when you do you find yourself meeting up with other survivors. You make connections and build bartering networks. A fair trade might mean exchanging a good flint for a fine, albeit rather aged possum. There is no consideration of money. The word is far out into the distant future yet.

You happen to be a good merchant trader in this bartering network and you have ways of stockpiling certain assets that can help you in your survival. However you become so prosperous that suddenly you have every possible necessity. Your stockpile is a surplus.

Someone approaches you with a barter opportunity. He needs some of your stock and offers you another possum in exchanges. You already have too many possums and ask him if he would consider taking a rock imprinted with his fingerprint on it as an option for a future trade. He accepts and takes his portion of your stock and walks away while leaving the rock with you. This rock gives you the right to return to him at anytime and take some of his stock worth an equal amount to the rock value.

That story isn't so far fetched.

Money started out in a similar way. At least that is how I understand money. It is a replacement to a bartering system. Money allows for the exchange of one good today which someone needs (or wants) for a symbolic coin or piece of paper that can be used in the future.

The word money possibly derives from Old French and Latin languages.

The online etymology dictionary states that the word money came about in the following way:

"from Old French, moneie, or from Latin, Moneta."

Interestingly enough the Roman Goddess Juno was given the title Moneta and it was near her temple in Rome that coins were minted. Juno Moneta was the patron saint of funds and protected such.

So there you have it.

I hope you have a better understanding of the word money.

Understanding the word understanding

In the beginning there was the word and understanding the word understanding is the beginning of this blog where the daily word guy will build a library of words and hopefully carry the word to others who do not understand.

The word understanding is found 247 million times by the Google robots. It's amazing that people use this word so often when writing.

What does the word understanding mean.

In one sense the word understanding is a contract where the person who claims to have a clear perception of the reasons something happens accepts the conditions of that contract or stands by his or her word about a particular issue.

If one says, "I understand mortgages" then that person is claiming to have knowledge of the concept of loaning money. Making such a statement is taking responsibility for passing information that is correct to the listener.

When someone says, "They have reached an understanding.", they are stating that two people or two parties have come to an agreement on a dividing issue.

Perhaps defining understanding as being a contract might be a little too assumptive. A contract implies that the agreement is binding. Is it?

Having reason is having understanding. So having understanding about something or about words is having wisdom.

Wisdom is understanding but is intelligence wisdom ?

I say no.

Because anyone can be intelligent by learning stuff. But using reason intelligently is having pure understanding.