Thursday, October 22, 2009

the word trade

Who invented the word trade anyways ? Trading is bartering in a sense. To exchange goods, services, and beliefs, as always been common practice.

Humans who trade are called merchants. There are all kinds of merchants of trade.

But exchanges occur everywhere in nature therefore the word trade can apply to all elements in nature. For those people who are " down to earth " their belief of what can be traded by the merchant might be limited by what can be felt by the five senses. That is to say, if you can smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it, or feel it, then you can put it up for sale and trade it as a merchant trader of things A to Z. Other people believe that there is more to nature than what can be sensed with our well developed senses. These people go beyond real and include the sixth sense and sell products that come from the psychic source.

The word trade itself is a word from the English language.

Lets try to find it's source.

The English language is a refined form of Old English.

Craeft is a word from the Old English language.

The term hyge-craeft is looked at by Diane L. Paxton in an article called Working with the Soul in the Northern Tradition. That article is interesting for a few reasons. It brings up the word tradition which is a derivative of the root word trade. It brings up the idea of merchants traders exchanging in the sixth dimension. The article states that the Norse term "hug" is the same as the Anglo Saxon term "hyge" and that hyge-craeft to the Anglo Saxons who were masters of the Old English language is the source of all magic.

To trade a hug is a very old tradition that lifts the spirit. There as to be a story there somewhere.

According to Paxton the Norse term "hug" was used to describe the psyche elements of personality, thoughts, feelings, and desire. Now that's knowledge worth something.

Hug is hag to the Swedish speaking folks. Interestingly enough this might lead to a better understanding of the term "ye ole hag". I have no proof of this but that might just be a reference to an old psychic women or a women who can psyche you out.

Moving along...hug is hyge and craeft is trade. Hyge-craeft according to Paxton is knowledge or wisdom and hug or hyge is the source of all magic.

In my opinion if craeft is trade and hyge is knowledge then the term hyge craeft refers to the exchange of wisdom and it is the exchange of wisdom gained through the study of the soul or of the universal consciousness which is the psychic source for the sixth sense. The sixth sense is paranormal and it is the source of magic.

Paxton has a much deeper version of this which goes much into holistic healing and includes the mind, body, and spirit.

Craeft according to wiktionary comes from the Germanic word Kraft and means strength. The Germanic tribes spread out and the Anglo Saxon developed old English.

Here's an interesting old English phrase that seems to support the correlation between craeft and trade.

hwaet begytst ou of oinum craefte ? According to wiktionary that translates to "What do you get by your trade ?

If that is accurate then the word trade is equal to " an exchange of strength ".

There you have my version. So go ahead and give me a hug ye old hag.

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